To paint or to galvanise?
Steel elements should be protected by one of these methods in order to ensure protection of the construction against harmful effects of corrosion. For this purpose, it is possible to choose between painting and galvanising. So, what is the difference between these methods? Which one will protect a construction made from steel better? Let us take a closer look at the aspects in the following article.
The difference between painting and galvanising
First of all, it should be noted that both solutions can be used for different types of constructions. However, we must remember that the main function of painting is to decorate – you may choose the colour and cover selected elements making the construction look aesthetically pleasant. In this regard, it is worth choosing powder coatings which will ensure a uniform surface.
This process can protect the construction’s elements from mechanical impact and to improve its visual values, but it doesn’t really prevent corrosion. An alternative way is to use special products that are applied to the base layer and topcoat. For this purpose, application of anti-corrosive paints may protect the construction for many years.
Which one to choose – painting or galvanisation?
It’s worth knowing that application of paint protects the steel elements to a slighter extent than the alternative method does.
Therefore, you should choose the method of hot-dip galvanisation to achieve a high level protection of the construction. This option is also good for big elements. Covering, created in such a way, sticks strongly to the surface of the steel structure and is durable. It means that the construction will be protected from harmful weather condition effects and other adverse conditions even for several decades. In other words, this affects the sustainability of the prefabricated building.
In case of the elements made from steel, the recommended option as regards protection will be galvanising. The fact is, that it protects the construction for a long period of time more effectively than the painting does. This means that when it comes to protection of steel elements – it is the best option to choose.